
Monday, August 18, 2008

Spanish work for my son

Today was my first day at the College. As I sat through our first three hour meeting I made a list of some Spanish work I have been wanting to make for my son. Here is my list! I am hoping by putting my list out there for everyone to see, I will get motivated to do it :-)

1. Color Cards, Names, and Items to match. I envision an index card size Color card, the name of the color on big font, maybe size 40. I noticed that he likes the big size font and it will work well for my 2 year old also. I then want to make one control card. A page with all of the colors and their names. I then want to have at least two items of that color for fun matching. He loves to match colors.
I have to tell you this story about color matching. I may have told this story already, I love it and have shared it with many. As you know I have all of our art supplies out. One day after cleaning up I noticed what at first seemed like my son had made a mess with the pencils and paints and some of his toy cars. I just thought "why did he just leave all of of this out?" It was scattered on the table. I called my son and asked him why he had left this mess on the table and no sooner did the words come out of my mouth, I noticed what he had done. He had placed the pencils next to the paints that matched in color and cars to match the colors!

OK, back to my list.

2. Numbers - have my counting number activity but add the names of the numbers.

3. Months - something fun we could do together at first is talk about one thing that happens in each month and have a picture of each to match to the name of the month. For example: Have a picture of his birthday party and match it to his birth month, have a picture of our Christmas Tree to match to December (diciembre), a picture of him on Halloween and match it to October (octubre). January(enero) - Grandpas Birthday, February(febrero) - St. Valentine...etc....

4. Now that school is starting and he is understanding time a little better, I would like to begin a time line of his life for the next year. I got this idea from the book Montessori Play and Learn. At the back of this book there are tons of Games and Activities. On page 69 and 70 it talks about making a Timeline of your child's day and life (Age 4 to 5). I am definitely doing the timeline of his day but also one for the next year. The one about the timeline of the year is on page 114.

Now I am motivated! If you do any of these activities, please let me know and share your pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

College starting again is always a drag.

It's great to see a parent who works intensely with their children... in anything, let alone learning another language.