
Thursday, October 14, 2010

School Week 6

A few pictures from Week 6 - September 13-17

Rhyming Puzzle - this was a challenge for Bella.

Geography puzzles were popular last month.  I will sit with Bella and help her with these puzzles.  I use a book to see where the pieces go.  I wrote the name of the country on the back of each puzzle piece.  So, I'll pick up Spain and say "Spain" look it up in the book and then she will put it in its place.  This is not how this work is suppose to be taught but I like doing it this way.
    Penny Work from Goldmark Montessori.
So proud

Coloring the Mexico flag  I did a little Unit for September 16th.
I read the following books to the kids:  Stories of Mexico's Indepence days and other bilingual children's fables.
Mexican Independence Day and Cinco De Mayo - MacMillan
They colored the flag and Mexico on a map of North America, 


One morning the kids woke up wanting to play kitchen.  So, I told them how about playing restaurant!

They created Menus.  They decided how much everything cost. I wrote Bellas menu and Sweet Boy wrote his.

Sweet boy took my orders!  Here he said "Sorry, I'm a little slow.  Just learning to write!!!"
They loved it.   I had a little purse with money to pay them.

Making Lemonade is a favorite Practical Life Activity.

Adding.  I will be posting about this work later this week.

1 comment:

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